Centuries ago, the first Orcs emerged from the northern mountains of Ñuru. Spawned in the shadows of the deepest gorges, for years the Orcs struggled to survive in this dark desolate place. As time passed and the horde grew larger, the Orcs explored and settled in places beyond Ñuru… until that fateful day.
On an expedition south in search of food, the Orcs encountered the Elves; a majestic, tyrannical race ruling over all living beings in Grengaard. The Elves slaughtered the Orcs and raided their settlements, casting them back to Ñuru to live in perpetual darkness.
Traumatised and left to fend for themselves, the Orcs developed a bloodthirsty nature, killing and maiming anything that stood in between themselves and survival. Under the cover of the great alpine peaks, their skills in battle flourished. This brutish disposition became necessary to survive the harsh winters in a region untouched by the Sun Gods.
As the years rolled on, and the nights grew darker and the winters longer, word spread of a fierce war raging between the Elves & the Dwarves. With their foes preoccupied, the Orcs took it upon themselves to march South once more in search of more fertile lands. Hundreds of miles and thousands of dead Orcs later, they reached Rathmyr, a former Dwarven stronghold that had been left vacant in retreat. It was here the Orcs learned the science of engineering, and discovered blueprints for the mechanical vehicles that they would dub “Cars” - named after the Dwarven “Caryk” chariots they discovered in the mountain vaults.
With their existence still largely shrouded in mystery, and the Great Elvish-Dwarf War burning on, the Orcs developed their engineering prowess & began to build the Dwarven vehicles. Crafted using an array of scrap material, the results were often makeshift but allowed them to traverse the treacherous plains more quickly & freely.
With a growing propensity for speed, the Orcs began to race against one another, offering their weapons and armour up as spoils for the victor. As the years went on, society developed around these races and crowds amassed to witness the spectacle. With the prize riches they began to build a great Coliseum to house the events. With walls 100ft tall and a track 5 miles in diameter, the Orc Racing Club was born.
From that day on, the O.R.C acted as a safe haven from Elf tyranny and Dwarf mischief, a place where Orcs could live in relative harmony, with only the odd death as a result of a disgruntled orc seeking revenge on their victorious counterpart. Word began to spread; from all across the 5 realms, intrigued observers descended upon the club to bear witness to the infamous spectacle, the bleachers as packed as the streets of Illnnore on the 4th day of Strymar. That was until the “Day of Death”.
Not much is known what happened that day, but legend has it fire rained down from the sky, as the newly formed Human & Elf alliance vanquished the Orcs from above, leaving the prestigious club in ruins, and exterminating thousands of Orcs in the process. Outnumbered and unprepared, they never stood a chance. The Orcs were forced to withdraw back to the Ñuru mountains. And it was here they would regroup, and formulate their plans for revenge…
The years rolled by and Orcs were cast into mere myth. Children were told the stories; legends of the past that none really believed. But in the mountains, the Orcs grew stronger using the skills they had learned from the Dwarves.
After decades of meticulous planning, a small horde marched upon the Elven-occupied castle of Rathmyr under the cover of night, the memories of that fateful day haunting their every thought. As lightning struck, so did they. The clash of metal echoed through Grengard only to be masked by the Elven cries of terror. It is said the battle raged on for 14 days and 14 nights before it was finally over. It was on the 14th night the Orcs would reclaim the former Dwarven stronghold; the keep their ancestors made home.
As time passed the horde multiplied; as news of their victory spread throughout the 5 realms, bygone tribes of Orc resurfaced from every cave and every hollow to join the fight. Soon the army became so formidable that their march could be heard throughout the 5 realms. The shaking earth from their march striking fear into all who dare stand in their way, the blood curdling war cries driving even the bravest soul to surrender.
Village after village was pillaged, and entire cities burned to dust as the Orcs sought to snatch power from the Elven Lords. Leaving no stone unturned and sparing no one, they left a trail of destruction in their wake. Having conquered half the territory of Grengard, they set their sights higher in a quest for omnipotence.
They set sail for Galeserin, the great Kingdom of the Elves. It would be here that they would overthrow the King. It would be here they would rebuild the mighty Orc Racing Club.